Not to scare you or anything, but there are only 13 more weekends left before Christmas. That doesn't even take into consideration Halloween, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. We NEED weekends...that's when we get things done and not to mention "regular" life that happens on those weekends.
Holidays mean family, friends, food, fun times and visiting. It also means shopping, cleaning, cooking, preparing, wrapping, decorating etc. Click HERE for the Santa Can Project above to start your decorating crafts now.
Here are a few things you can do along the way the next few months or even now, that can help relieve some of the stress. I will have more to add along the way...
1. MAKE LISTS...for EVERYTHING...gifts, food, guest lists, what's coming up for important dates etc. If it's written down and you see it, you're one step ahead of the game.
2. DEEP CLEAN...if you know you are having overnight guests for the holidays, don't wait until that week when they arrive to clean out that dreaded closet or under the bed. You know "that"closet...we all have it! Purge and deep clean things now, so all you have to do is the "regular" cleaning (we all hate to do) when they come...LOL)
3. STOCK YOUR PANTRY NOW...each week add a few things you'll need for entertaining or baking now. The benefit is 2 fold...less shopping during the hectic times and the money is spread out over weeks of your normal weekly shopping verses one big bill at the register at holiday time. Have you check expiration dates? You are definitely good to stock up now. I start stocking up now and store it in my pantry on it's own shelf, so the family doesn't use it.
4. START THOSE HOMEMADE GIFT PROJECTS NOW!!!...can't stress this one enough. We've all been there sewing, painting, crafting as the engine is running in the car on the way to the party.
I think I'll end here...let that soak in that I'm talking about Christmas in September!! I'm hoping to add more tips along the way about baking, decorating, gifts and much more.
Add your tips in the comments too...would love to hear them.
Thanks for stopping by and for not skipping this post when you saw Holiday Planning in the title.
Have a great day,
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