14 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Canning Jar Organization Idea...Using Magnets

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Hi to all...hope you're having a great day!

You know I have a thing for organizing. I've said it to you before, I think my actual hobby is organizing rather than using the things I'm organizing!! LOL

Well, here's another quick one for you.

I've shown you the French Drain post in the past. Click HERE if you'd like to visit again. I used plastic French Drains, cut them up and use them to store things like yarn, paint cans, supplies, etc. One such thing I store in them are canning jars that hold my buttons.

Here's an update on that...

See in the upper middle section of the wall unit? That's my French Drain section.

A little closer view.

I keep the canning jars full of the same kind of buttons.

Since they are laying down, I need to know what's in there.

You could just write on the metal top with a dry erase marker or...

Buy a package of craft magnets

One magnet

 and hot glue whatever you are storing in your canning jars.

Now you can see what's in each jar!!

When you are done with whatever was in that jar, just use that magnet on your refrigerator for pictures or notes!!

Quick organizing post...hope this helps,

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