18 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi

In The News: Move Over Gatorade, Try Bananas!

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Couldn't help but share this really cool study that was just released about using bananas vs Gatorade in measuring the effects on sports performance (specifically in cyclists). When comparing the two, no significant differences were found in measures of sports performance (such as changes in blood sugar, inflammation and oxidative stress). However the subjects did need to consume the equivalent amount of water (that would be in the sports drink) along with the bananas and authors did note that the subjects felt a bit more full/bloated eating the bananas, likely due to the fiber consumed. The study was funded by Dole (a major banana producer) but the research was very sound and the publication states "the funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript". Does this mean I think all athletes and avid exercises should "go bananas" with bananas and force themselves to consume large amounts? No! But the study certainly confirms that bananas are a great food to consume during long term exercise and I would also think as a pre/post exercise food too. The authors make a good point in stating that bananas are a natural, cost-effective source of good carbohydrates, potassium and anti-oxidants. Try some bananas in my Banana Pancakes, Strawberry-Banana Snack Smoothie, Click Here to see the study too!

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